Lesson 9 Super Minds 3. SB Unit 1.Our School.

 Lesson 8.      

Super Minds 3. 

SB. Unit 1.Our school


     Our school
    (Наша школа)

              1. Greetings.Warming-Up.

Speaking. Elicit what happened in the  last episode. 

  1. What do they find in the castle?
  2. What do you know about Horax and Zelda?
  3. Are they good people?
  4. How does Buster help the explorers? 
  5. Do the children get the book back?
  6. Can they read the book? Why?
  7. Whom do they want to ask for a help?
Watch the video:

3. Reading. Читання.
Super Minds 3. Unit 1. Our School. 
The story "Getting help"

  4. Рекомендовані тренувальні вправи: 

Скан д/з на перевірку -  в особисті повідомлення у Viber. 

1. Super Minds 3. Unit 1. Our School. The story "Getting help". 

Read and translate. Ex.1, p.14-15. Video:


2. WB. Ex. 1,2,3 p.14
